New work, digitization, agile working, work-life balance, work-family balance – these are just a few of the realities in the current working world. They all deal with the change in companies, the rethinking in a team, “family friendly” and the constant enhancement of job offers in order to counteract the shortage of skilled workers.
The European Values Study shows the change of how employees think. The balance between work and private life is becoming increasingly important. The needs of employees have shifted and changed. In 1990, 62% of the respondents put their profession first, today only 48% put first priority on their jobs. In addition, 69% of the respondents agree on flexible working hours being a key factor in a good corporate culture.
Working time organisation, working time recording and administration require flexibility and know-how from employers, plus individual responsibility for employees and intelligent system support. Enabling the important changes associated with these values can be implemented efficiently and economically.
This is where ISGUS comes in with the web-based solution ZEUS® eXperience.
For ISGUS, digitization means added value for our customers.
We offer this to our users in any company size. For example, we automate functions and send information about specific events, accounts etc. via integrated messengers by e-mail to the person concerned.
That means, the user neither has to think about processes nor needs to generate reports, because ZEUS® notifies with an automated e-mail to the workstation of the recipient or to the mobile device. This eliminates routine activities, queries and waiting times, to the same extent, acceptance and user approval is met.
Networking between human and system should not replace interpersonal communication, but simplify and accelerate it. This is done through paperless workflows with approval hierarchies that exactly reflect the organization. Processing and lead times for all data maintenance, such as corrections, vacation and business travel requests, are eliminated without loss of transparency. Here again, we are mobile, because with the ZEUS® mobile app, requests from mobile devices can be made and also actively approved.
As a result of digitization, there is a growing demand that Workforce Management should no longer be operated "on premise" in one's own IT, but outsourced to the ISGUS cloud.
The motivation is clearly localised. Outsourcing creates freedom whereas one’s own IT is often overburdened and suffers from limited availability. Why administrate an application and procure, plus maintain hardware, operating systems and databases for it, while at the same time the ISGUS data centre ensures a higher availability and a plannable and always transparent cost structure.
The introduction of digital Time Management is therefore no longer dependent on the operational and financial availability of internal resources.