ISGUS News 34_final
The same applies to the ISGUS terminals used in nu- merous large-scale projects. For example, the police in Baden-Württemberg has installed almost 1,000 units in approximately 600 offices, where 32,000 civil servants book their service and shift times daily, which ZEUS® HR reliably transfers to SAP in the national data centre. The solution is designed as a pure SAP connection for Time Recording and Access Control. However, in addition to Time Recording it can also be expanded as a self-sufficient and highly efficient Access Control System operating independently from SAP. In this case the ZEUS® HR security lock plan manages all areal and temporal access rights and is also available for logical links such as room balancing, etc. This opens up the entire ISGUS portfolio of access rea- ders, Access Control Managers, digital locking cylinders and SmartHandles to SAP users. Details of the structure and architecture of ZEUS® HR are sophisticated. As a pure .net development, instal- lation and customizing via any browser is very easy. Cumbersome routes via Citrix or terminal servers are a thing of the past. The entire rights assignment is role-based in ZEUS® HR. In addition, the respective organisation of the user can be displayed 1: 1 in the structure tree. This makes it possible to inherit rights and access profiles. As a result there is minimal effort for new hires or personnel trans- fers. After the import of new master records from SAP, all rights and profiles are automatically inherited from the respective organisational unit to which the employee belongs. A complete user history and password security according to BSI (Federal Office for Information Security) standard are further benefits of the ISGUS solution. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN SAP-HRM AND ISGUS TERMINALS The method to connect the ISGUS Terminals via ZEUS® HR 4.1 to SAP is the HR-PDC interface. ZEUS® HR and HR-PDC provide a secure and reliable platform during implementation and thereafter, proven in hundreds of installations. 7
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