ISGUS News 35_gb_1809
specifications. „In Austria the working hours are strictly checked to ensure compliance with the legal regulations. This is the reason why every singly employee has to book, even managers. Complaints are subject to severe penalties“, reports Franz Hornbacher, Managing Direc- tor of ISGUS GmbH Vienna. „No one is allowed to work longer than ten hours a day. Otherwise the Managing Director is personally liable. “ Special national regulations A standard system includes special national regulations which can be activated by a simple click. In Austria, for example, ZEUS® automatically adopts the „block-time regulation“, according to which employees can work tax-free for a maximum of three hours after 7 pm. The system also checks if the holiday request does not inclu- de too many days. This is a huge benefit for the employer because once a holiday request has been approved, it can no longer be denied in the Alpine republic, even if it was not granted to the employee. At De‘Longhi most employees use a chip to make their In/Out bookings at the terminal near the entrance. However, the managing directors and sales represen- tatives are often away on business and therefore easily make a booking via the ZEUS® X app on their smartpho- ne. Currently there are 15 mobile accesses. In addition to Time & Attendance, the company also uses the Employee-self-service module. Thus, various reporting lists - such as vacation requests and approvals, absenteeism and overtime - can be easily edited from the PC or mobile with the smartphone app. To date, sick- ness notifications have been made via phone or e-mail. „Soon, however, there will be a new feature that enables employees to simply scan their sick reports, which will make the Employee-self-service even more efficient“, announces Franz Hornbacher. 7
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