A Comprehensive Approach
The initial step involves strategic planning. It is crucial to determine the required number of workers for the event, assign them to various shifts, and place them in specific areas/kiosks/bars at the venue. ZEUS® Staff Scheduling by ISGUS offers a detailed overview of your current staff deployment, allowing you to quickly adjust to any unforeseen changes. By avoiding overtime and understaffing issues, this solution ensures increased employee satisfaction and encourages efficient work practices. Effective planning directly impacts the success of the entire event, making it essential to closely monitor the planning process.
Embracing Flexibility
Event planning is a dynamic procedure with last-minute changes common leading up to the day of the event. Therefore, it is vital to keep everyone informed about any updates. Shift swaps or exchanges are easily facilitated through our ZEUS® mobile App on-the-go. You can request or approve workflow changes while mobile, access real-time attendance data and planned staff allocations using shift exchange features wherever you are – enhancing agility with ZEUS® Time and Attendance alongside its mobile application.
Ready to be optimally equipped for your company events?
Flexible scheduling tools at your fingertips...
With ZEUS® Staff Scheduling, shift planning is child's play and all important parameters such as qualifications, absence planning, personal requests and employees' time accounts are taken into account.
ZEUS® Workforce Management uses digital processes to ensure efficient and economical time management throughout the company.